Maintenance Help
We've organized a library of contact information, helpful videos, service manuals, and links to service providers that can keep your bowling lanes running smoothly. Homeowners who are not do-it-yourselfers usually hire a service company to come in on a monthly or quarterly basis to clean and re-oil the lanes, do preventive maintenance on the pinsetter machines, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments. We also maintain an informal unpublished list of technicians that work at local public bowling centers who have expressed an interest in working on nearby home bowling alleys.

Your bowling alley comes with 12 months of free tech support from Brunswick.
Bowling Service Companies
Here is a list of service providers that can assist with maintenance and repairs.
Dallas, TX
Entire USA
Jason Shondrick or Jimmy Land
Lawrence, Kansas
Entire USA
Luke Mitchell
Muskegon, MI
Entire USA
Springfield, MA
Northeast USA
Clint Cutler
Winter Haven, Florida
State of Florida
Alex Smith

Deerfield, WI
Wisconsin & bordering states
Livonia, MI
Instructional Videos
A collection of videos to help guide you through common maintenance tasks.
How to remove the capping and foul detector cover, and adjust the foul sensor up/down and left/right.